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Ошибки компиляции Delphi

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Я новичок. В моей программе возникли такие ошибки:

[dcc32 Error] Project2.dpr(36): E2029 ';' expected but '.' found

[dcc32 Error] Project2.dpr(38): E2029 Declaration expected but end of file found

Вот программа, которую я написал:

program masquerader; //program name

Var //Declaring variables

Salary:integer; //Declared Salary as integer

procedure Sleep(milliseconds: Cardinal); stdcall;//Added sleep as a procedure for delay

Begin //Begins the program

Writeln('Enter Your Salary please user...'); //Outputs line Enter Your salary please user...
Readln(Salary); //Recieves the value and declares the integer value to salary
Writeln('Processing your input...'); //Outputs line to Let the user know its being processed
Sleep(4000); //4 second delay
If (Salary>=5000) AND (Salary<=8000) Then //Conditions are being test for the requirements for each section
Writeln('Thanks for your Input file should be ready in a second'); // Outputs this line to let the user know it is ready in a second
Writeln('Congratulations!,You are eligible to play in poison'); //Outputs the section that matches the user's salary(5000-8000)
If (Salary>=3000) AND (Salary<=5000) Then //Conditions are being test for the requirements for each section
Writeln('Thanks for your Input file should be ready in a second'); // Outputs this line to let the user know it is ready in a second
Writeln('Congratulations!,You are eligible to play in Blue devils');//Outputs the section that matches the user's salary(3000-5000)
If (Salary<3000) Then //Conditions are being test for the requirements for each section
Writeln('Thanks for your Input file should be ready in a second'); // Outputs this line to let the user know it is ready in a second
Writeln('Congratulations!,You are eligible to play in The poor man section');//Outputs the section that matches the user's salary(x<=3000)
Writeln('Written by Timothy Adams');
Writeln('Fatima College 4-1');
Readln; //Declares the end of the read line

End. //End of program


Есть ряд проблем с вашим кодом.

Вы объявляете новую функцию Sleep(), не сообщая компилятору, где находится ее реализация. Таким образом, компилятор думает весь ваш код между begin и end является реализацией. Вот почему вы получаете ошибки, потому что вы завершаете реализацию функции end. вместо end;

Кроме того, блоки кода Delphi не определяются отступом, как вы предполагаете. Вам нужно использовать явные begin/ end операторы для группировки операторов вместе.

Попробуйте этот код:

program masquerader; //program name


Var //Declaring variables
Salary:integer; //Declared Salary as integer

//procedure Sleep(milliseconds: Cardinal); stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll'; //Added sleep as a procedure for delay

Begin //Begins the program

Writeln('Enter Your Salary please user...'); //Outputs line Enter Your salary please user...
Readln(Salary); //Recieves the value and declares the integer value to salary Writeln('Processing your input...'); //Outputs line to Let the user know its being processed
Sleep(4000); //4 second delay

If (Salary>=5000) AND (Salary<=8000) Then //Conditions are being test for the requirements for each section
Writeln('Thanks for your Input file should be ready in a second'); // Outputs this line to let the user know it is ready in a second
Writeln('Congratulations!,You are eligible to play in poison'); //Outputs the section that matches the user's salary(5000-8000)

If (Salary>=3000) AND (Salary<=5000) Then //Conditions are being test for the requirements for each section
Writeln('Thanks for your Input file should be ready in a second'); // Outputs this line to let the user know it is ready in a second
Writeln('Congratulations!,You are eligible to play in Blue devils');//Outputs the section that matches the user's salary(3000-5000)

If (Salary<3000) Then //Conditions are being test for the requirements for each section
Writeln('Thanks for your Input file should be ready in a second'); // Outputs this line to let the user know it is ready in a second
Writeln('Congratulations!,You are eligible to play in The poor man section');//Outputs the section that matches the user's salary(x<=3000)

Writeln('Written by Timothy Adams');
Writeln('Fatima College 4-1');
Readln; //Declares the end of the read line

End. //End of program

Кстати, ваш код не обрабатывает Salary выше 8000.
